In this book 'Spirit and the Mind' author Dr. Samuel sandweiss discusses the mind and the pure Universal consciousness likening them to the bubble and the ocean. a a psychiatrist the author discovered that the science of psychiatry was incomplete in itself and it needed to accept the wisdom of ancient spiritual awareness. The author tells us about the Avatar, Sri Sathya Sai Baba, His mission and message and how His life and teachings represent the most compelling living proof of Universal Consciousness. This ultimately helps to understand the relationship of the spirit to mind and spirituality to science. Based on hid experience with sathya sai Baba the author emphasizes that the concept of consciousness, duality, love and the primacy of the spirit have meaning even to the hardcore behavioral scientists. He explains how spiritual insight relates to the personal growth of a Psychiatrist. This book focuses attention on the nature of the awakening touch of God and its stirrings in man. It investigates spiritual reality with relevance to psychiatry. Language: English