The English translation of this edition has been based on the Hindi rendering of the Gita made by syt. Jayadayal Goyandka and appearing in the Gita-Tattva number of the Hindi monthly 'Kalyan', published by the Gita Press. The Gita contains words directly emanating from the lips of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. its compiler is Maharshi Vyasa. The Lord uttered parts of His discourse in verse, which the compiler vyas recorded exactly as they emanated from His lips. The part of it uttered in prose was versified by the compiler, and the words of Arjuna, Sanjaya, and Dhrtrastra were similarly versified by him in his own words, and dividing the book of seven hundred verses into eighteen chapters, he made it an organic part of the Mahabharata. Language: Sanskrit Shlokas with English Translation & Transliteration.