The Continuing Story Post Nirvana Miracles of Sri Ramana Maharshi
Product Details
The Continuing Story Post Nirvana Miracles of Sri Ramana Maharshi: The list of miracles narrated in the book MIRACLES HAPPEN EVERY DAY is quite long and gripping. Many of them relate to the period when he was in the body. The question would arise about the Post Nirvana Miracles of Ramana. Ramana is the eternal one whose powers can never be dimmed by time. The story of his miracles is a continuing story. This is not merely an article of faith. for they are the happeing day in and day out be it saving a person and his family from certain death to enabling one to catch a flight to see a pining daughter or to protecting one being bitten by a stray wayside dog. It would be an error to think that there may a full stop at any point of time in the future to this manifestation of Ramana's powers under varied and impossible circumstances.