This is a Biography of Sri Yogi Ram Surat Kumar popularly called as God Child Of Tiruvannamalai. He is a great saint and was considered to be an avatar of God. Amarakavyam contains the whole Biography of Bhagavan Yogi ram surat kumar with many photos of him. yogi's sayings All I know is Ram Nam. For him there is no need for realisation, visions, experiences, or anything else. Ram Nam is everything. Chant the name all the 24 hours ! I do as ordained by my Master. That's enough for this beggar!" Whatever happens, happens by Father's will. Whatever happened is His grace. Whatever happens is perfect because Father is perfect. Yogi Ramsuratkumar is not the name of this dirty beggar. It is my Father's name. Blessed are those who utter the name Yogi Ramsuratkumar, even once in their life. Once this beggar signed 'OM' in somebody's book. They asked me to sign my name. This beggar replied, 'OM' is my best name and first name. This beggar is related to the sun,to the Moon and the to the infinite Cosmos.This beggar is not limited to this body.All of you are in Me. I am in all of you. There is nothing else and no one else. I am here, there, everywhere... All pervasive... No one is separate, no one is isolated. It is all one life, indivisible, total, subtle, subtler, subtlest... Gross, grosser, grossest.