“The symptoms of all fevers are same; like raise in the body temperature, headache, body pain, etc. But nature of the fever may be different like Typhoid, Malaria, etc. So there is no single medicine for these fevers. It depends on the patients and the nature of the fever. Same way, the questions of the seekers. The questions may look similar, but the source of these questions and the maturity of the seekers are different. So there can not be common teaching. Every question has to be dealt with in a totally different way depending on the questioner." Sri Radha Ma
This book (2nd Edition) is a transcription of the original DVDs of Satsang (conversation meetings) with Sri. Radha Ma, an Indian Advaita Guru. Those meetings took place at the foothills of the sacred Arunachala mountain, Thiruvannamalai, India. In this book, Sri. Radha Ma, uniquely and with a beautiful dose of humor answers a wide range of seekers' questions covering the whole field of Advaita Vedanta, Self-realization, and Self-enquiry, often referring to Bhagavan Sri. Ramana Maharshi whom she clearly loves.
She answers each questioner with unfailing accuracy according to his or her needs, but in such a way that we may all learn and benefit from her eloquent prescriptions, advice, and guidance. This book is a treasure chest filled with many precious jewels set in the pure gold of the non-dual Advaitic truth.