At the beginning of the Yajna, Shri Shri Ma said that I was to be the yajman of this Yajna, an honor that was granted to me only by Her grace. Shri Shri Ma's Kheyal, Sw. Purnanandaji's resolve to do everything as perfectly as possible, and the co-operation of the Ashrama Sisters, all of which were evident from the beginning of the Yajna up to its purnahuti, were instrumental in the successful completion of this unparalleled Yajna. For this, Sw. Purnananda and the other brahmacharinis deserve our gratitude.
Where Purna-brahma-narayana is present in the form of Yajna-narayana, there is also present Purna, Purna, and Purna.
Those who want to perform a yajna will get much information and guidance from this book. May Bhagavan Ashutosh and Shri Shri Ma shower their divine blessings upon everyone!