Shiva Panchakshari - "Aum Namah shivaya"Continuous Chanting of Shiva Panchakshari for Daily Meditation. Live Recording of Shiva Panchakshari Manthra taught to the devotees by Bhagavan Satya Sai Baba on the occasion of Maha Shivarathri 2004. "Aum Namah Shivaya" is one of the most popular manthras that aids in concentration and meditation. It is traditionally known as the 'Panchakshari Manthra' or the five lettered prayer invoking Lord Shiva, who bestows auspiciousness. In this manthra, "Ma" is the beejakshara of Seed Letter that makes the manthra meaningful and potent. In the Tretha Yuga Sage Vasista coined the great name of Rama by drawing the letter 'ma'from this manthra. When 'Namah Shivaya' with the Prefix 'Aum', the Pranava (primordial) sound, is repeatedly intoned with devotion, its sound is absorbed into the breathing process cleansing the body, mind and heart.