Enlightening knowledge ‘by yogi’ Surendrananda Hans is a literary rending of the experiences of a seeker on the Spiritual Path. It is also an expression of his feelings that portray his success in the spiritual pursuit by virtue of yogic ability. One can also know from this book about his endear ours to light the lamp of knowledge in hundreds of aspirants and to guide than onto the spiritual path. The book documents the way a human life.
Can more on the path of progress. This book is written in such a way that everybody can easily understood it. It is a ‘must-read’ for people curious about the primary questions about human life, its meaning and purpose. I bless that this book may shine like a lamp in every home and drive away the darkness of ignorance from the mind.
Shri. Tontada Siddalingeshwara Swamiji,
Satyashodhan Publication, Chaitanyanagar, Dharwad.
This is a narration of the experiences of seeker of the ultimate truth. Yogi Shri. Surendrananda Hans has authored his experiences in this book which has been penned after decades of sincere spiritual endeavor. He has continuously study the noble precepts from the scriptures, ruminated over than and practiced renunciation, selfless service and self surrender at the Lords feet. This book is a beautiful presentation of his endeavor to understood the ultimate truth. I hope that spiritual aspirants and other readers helpful in their quest for joy & knowledge.
-Shri. Siddeshwar Swamiji
Jnanayogashram, Bijapur.
When looked at from below everything appears cluttered, crowded and noisy. When looked from above everything is a clear as crystal and serenely quiet. In order to get this experience, one must transcend from the mental & physical world and rise above. The inner world is amazing and the external vision is nothing in comparison to it. Why would a person who has experienced this divine bliss want the trivial worldly enjoyments? It is akin to offering impure molasses in a rusty cup to a person who has had a drink of ambrosia from a golden cup. However strange is this world. Wherein thorny shrubs are tastier to camel than juicy mangoes. Yogi Surendranand Hans has attempted to walk on the elevated path of spirituality and he is sharing his experience with other seekers, in order to help them. I pray to the Almighty for the success of Yogi Surendrananda Hans endeavor.
Vidya VachaspatiBannanji Govindacharya
Front Cover Map
Sugnana Rashmi
Enlightening Knowledge
Narration of a Truth Seekers’ Experience
Who am I? Where have I come from? Why have I come? Where would I be going? What is the real existence of God? What is the relation between God and us? What is the reality of the living being after the body ends? What is Yoga?
To get the answers to these basic questions, one must attain self-realization. Self realization is possible only with the grace of a Sadguru. The easy methods of getting the Sadgurus grace are not explained in a literary way or through logical explanation in this book. They are expressed through the presentation of actual experiences of a successful person. Therefore it is an easy guide to spiritual aspirants and seekers. ‘Enlightening Knowledge/Sugnana Rashmi’ which is an autobiographical work of a Guru, is a hand book for spiritual seekers. It contains the spiritual experience of the authors’ endeavor to realize the Supreme Soul and stages on the path. It is a very special book on spirituality which is like a guru (in the form of a book) leading sincere aspirants to the ultimate goal of liberation.
Dr. S.M. Vrushabhendra Swami
Back cover Map
One or the other day,
Thirst for the knowledge of ones’ true self sparks in each & every human being, However most people snub out this spark due to their worldly desires and expectations of things that are finite in nature. For reigniting this spark and make a person progress towards completeness and infinity. I firmly believe that an autobiographical work like this will act as a guide.
Dr. G.M. Patil
Senior Advocate.
This is not a book to be read out hurriedly at a stretch. We need to stop intermittently to ponder deeply over some precepts, mould our minds and understand how spiritual practice gives a new shape to all facts of our lives. Above all, this book guides us about how to attain equanimity & perfect poise of the mind.
Dr. Guruling Kapse
Sugnana Rashmi
A Ray of Knowledge
The Light of Knowledge
Enlightening Knowledge
Narration of a Truth Seeker’s Experience
Yogi Surendrananda Hans
Sugnana Rashmi
Enlightening Knowledge
The experiences of a Truth Seeker
When I realized who I am, the ‘I’ was no longer there.
Yogi Surendrananda Hans
Satyashodhan Publication
Sarvarpana Yogashram
Chaitanyanagar, Dharwad – 580001
Sugnana Rashmi (An autobiography in Kannada) by Yogi Surendrananda Hans: Published by S. Dharendra Secretary, Sarvarpana Seva Samiti, Sarvarpana Yogashram, Chaitanyanagar, Dharwad-580001.
(c) Sarvarpana Yogashram, Dharwad.
Demi 1/8 pages:
First imprint:
Type setting:
The Inner Voice
There are several facts to spiritual endeavor and to spiritual realization too.
The reason for that is not the vision of the external eyes, but it is the vision of the inner eye which is not seen. The outer eyes may fail us: a rope may appear as a rope or as a snake or as a garland or any other thing; It may not be visible at all. However, the vision of the inner eye more amazing.
Spiritual endeavor is about striving continuously to see with the inner vision, things that cannot be seen with the outer eyes. However there is some caution needed because this activity goes on in the mental sphere. It is metal creation of the inner world. It could either be a creation from what is seen, or vice-versa. Whatever our beliefs are here, they get projected in that inner world. Just as there are several facts to faith, there are several facts to realization. If our belief is wrong, then the vision from our inner eye also goes wrong.
The task of achieving the purity that is necessary to develop such a keen sense of discrimination is very difficult. There are more people who have lost on this path than those who have won.
We must believe that which is true and through that belief we must realize the truth. The problem, however lies here, It is impossible to know anything without belief and it is impossible to believe what we don’t know. If our belief is untrue then there is the danger of considering the untrue to be a realization of the truth. Just as in a dream, this too is a journey into the inner world.
Sometimes we may chance upon the garden of Eden in an instant, and sometimes even after a long journey we may still be in a desolate desert. Walking along in the scorching sun. Sometimes we may chance upon charming celestial damsels and sometimes may be troubled by demons.
A dream is seen with the inner eyes and so also is the vision of meditation. One is not awake during meditation, because the person is not aware of the outer world.
Meditation is not dreaming because one just sees whatever appears in a dream. Meditation is about envisioning that which one wants to see.
Meditation is not sleeping because during sleep the spiritual aspirant is awake to the inner world. Therefore meditation is both wakefulness and dream. It is a dream wherein we consciously see only that which we want. In this way, one is asleep to the outer world during meditation.
A dream can deceive us and so also meditation. If we lose even a bit of consciousness, we will lose track in mediation. Untruth may appear like the truth and vice-versa. One such illusion is where one feels that God Himself is enmeshed and is struggling to get out of His own illusory creation (Maya). Sometimes even people who have had the divine vision of the true inner self are also not spared from such deception.
This is a wonder of the mental world. It has the power of making the impossible to possible and to make one believe the unbelievable. People on the spiritual path must continuously face these dangers in order to rise above them. When we stand below and look up, the view is much different from the one which we see when we stand above and look down. When looked at from below everything appears cluttered, crowded and noisy. When looked at from above everything is clear as crystal and serenely quiet. In order to get this experience, one must transcend from the mental and physical world and rise above; where our mind and senses do not function.It is a highly elevated state which is beyond the three states of waking, sleeping and dreaming. This is the forth state which is even beyond the one pointed concentration of meditation. It is the state of Turia.
In this state without the play of the senses and mind, only the soul consciousness of the self sees, hears and thinks. The sages of the Vedic times described this as: “Aatmendriya monoyuktam bhoktetyahurmuneeshinah”.
There are two eyes not only extremely, but also inside. One is the eye that illumines with the light of intuition. When this eye becomes free from the veil, the eye of wisdom and right understanding opens. Then, one understands and whatever is understood will be the truth. When this happens, there will be no contradictions, struggles or disturbance. There will be no wrong understanding.
There, the one with form and attributes will be formless and the formless with be manifested with form and attributes.
There the dual and non dual unite. The true meaning of both words will then be understood. Till then, the followers of Dvaita (Dualism) and those of Advaita(Monism) are both only book worms.
It is not enough to only understood the meanings of words. The true meaning hidden within the apparent meaning must also be understood. That is the true attainment which is the ultimate fruition of all spiritual endeavors.
Yogi Surendrananda Hans has attempted to walk on this path and is helping others to do the same by sharing his own experiences.
The inner spiritual world is so wonderful that the external physical world that is seen, is just nothing in comparison. Why would a person who has experienced this divine bliss desire the trivial worldly enjoyments? It is akin to offering impure molasses in a rusty cup to a person who has had a drink of ambrosia from a golden cup. However strange is this world wherein thorny shrubs are tastier to a camel than juicy mangoes.
May everyone get inner bliss. May the intuitive that illumines and the eye of wisdom be opened. I pray to the Lord for the success of Yogi Surendrananda Hans’ endeavor.
This book should have actually reached the readers much easier. Surendranandji wanted me to write a few words on his book and I made him wait a lot. That is the reason for the delay in realizing the book.
In actuality there has not been any delay. Things that should happen will happen at the right time. It is due to our impatience that we deem it to be delayed.
Why did I delay so much? The inspiration must come from within. I couldn’t do anything till the inspiration to act came from the Indweller Lord. This has happened now. I am but only the writer, the instrument that has written these words that have come from the inner voice. I believe that Shri. Surendranandji who understands this will pardon the delay.
Bannanji Govindacharya
- Blessings
Back Cover (2) paste (with para at this book is a beautiful presentation.
By H.H. Dr. Siddhalinga Mahaswamiji of Tonta
Revered Pontiff, Tontadarya Math, Gadag
SugnanaRashmi by Yogi Surendrananda Hans is a literary rendering of the experiences and feelings of a seeker of the ultimate truth.
Religion and Science are both continuously engaged in the search of truth. If science does it by breaking down things and analyzing them objectively, rationally religion does so by unifying things and attempts realization of the truth in a subjective way. This process of unification is Yoga.
There are several types of Yoga. The type that has been successfully practiced by Yogi Surendrananda Hans is popularly known in this region as Achyata Yoga. I find it similar to the Kriya Yoga described by Paramahansa Yogananda in his ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’. In this method, the pace of breathing is regulated, sublimated and given a wonderful movement in order to attain ultimate peace. This Yogic method has illuminated the lives of several aspirants.
Yogi Surendrananda Hans is highly cultured background and he has taken birth with an accumulation of good Samskaras (positive spiritual impressions) from his past life. Therefore he is in dined towards spiritual pursuit right from his childhood. His inner indination has been clearly seen from the incident where he stopped ringing the bell in front of the deity and ran to join the chanting of the Shanti Mantra.
Shri. Yogi Surendrananda Hans has bravely faced the ups and downs of life and succeeded by virtue of his yogic ability. He has established an ashram in order to light the lamp of knowledge in hundreds of aspirants and is guiding them onto the spiritual path. One can get a picture of his endeavors in this book which documents the way a human life can move on the path of progress. This book is written in such a way that everybody an easily understand it. It is a must-read for spiritual aspirants on the quest for ultimate truth. I bless that this book may shine like a lamp in every home to drive away the darkness of ignorance from the mind.
An Appeal/ A Request.
Like the earth that holds innumerable precious stones in its bosom, our country has countless self realized great souls who are amidst us like the shimmering stases. After attaining liberation, even if they have left their mortal coils, their divine teachings are still resonating in our ears. However, the divine voices of such great masters cannot be understood without the inner eye or without purification of our inner self. Our society is indebted to these great masters because with the sole intention of bringing us out of the life of ignorance and to lead us on to the path of enlightening knowledge, they have mercifully offered the knowledge of truth which they attained with great effort. They have shared their knowledge either orally in the form of discourses or in the form of literature. However, it is not right on our part if we, remain lazy any efforts to spend time without making any efforts to transcend the illusory world of Maya, just making an excuse by saying that everything is the will of God. It isreally sad state of affairs that despite having a human birth and possessing five organs of action and give senses, we only restrict our lives to eating, sleeping, mating and defending (fear) who am I ? Why did I come here ? where would I be going ? what is the purpose of life ? where is the fulfillment of human life hidden ? Who is the master of this entire creation? Only a person who strives relentlessly to satisfy the curiosity regarding the above questions can be considered as a human being. Till then, he is not fit to be called human.
There already exists a lot of literature that can guide us as a beacon on the journey from darkness to light, from unreal to the real, from death to immortality. Then, what is the point in one more book being authored by me? There are many people who are of the opinion that spiritual attainments are not possible along with worldly life. I have presented my experiences in this book with the noble intention that such people should realize the possibility and strive for the ultimate fulfillment of their most precious human lives. I will be grateful if this book helps to change the direction of your life.
When I requested the opinion of scholars regarding my boo, great personalities like Shri. Siddalingeshwar Mahaswamiji, the Pontiff of Tontadarya Monastery of Gadag. Dr. S.M. Vrushabhendra Swami, Dr. Guruling Kapse, Dr. G.M. Patil, H.H. Brahmanishta, Shri. Bannanji Govindacharyaji and Gnanayogi Shri. Siddeshwar Swamiji of Bijapur read it and benevolently patted my back in appreciation. It may seem that it is my natural duty as a human being to express my gratitude to them, However, who am I, who expresses it and who are they, who accept it! What are they, other than mere actors who are they, other than mere actors who are playing their respective roles in the drama that is being directed by the Almighty director?
This entire Universe is yours all the creatures are yours; It is the humble prayer of this child to the Universal Divine Mother to inspire today’s man (who is directionless and grouping in the darkness of ignorance) to proceed towards the effulgent light of self realization.
DharwadYogi Surendrananda Hans
Enquire after the Truth/seek the Truth
After the search for Truth
Experience of Truth
Opinions of Scholars
Aims and objectives of the Ashram.
Clarion call of the Vedanta.
Seek the Truth
Biologically, I am now 59 years old. After continuously serving for 36 years an employee of the government. I retired last year. However, I did not just retire from service but retired from worldly pursuits as well. Dear readers, you may wonder what my worldly pursuits may be. To understand the reason & purpose of my manifestation on earth has been my chief interest in life. I have just realized the purpose and fulfilled my life by discovering the mysteries of human life. I am on the verge of completely repaying my debt to revered Gurudev. Today, if my revered Gurudev were to ask, ‘What do you want my child?’ I would definitely repeat the words of the Dasa devotees- that is, “What shall I ask of you, when what you have given is much more than what I could wish for.” From this, you may guess how contented I might be. Peace can reign only when there is contentment. When the veil of illusory bondages accumulated in the mind over innumerable births is torn a past and the real self is realized, there is nothing more to know and no more duties to fulfill. There will be no more illusions. Even then, it is not unusual that the attachment with the material or physical mind and body as ‘I’ will not be completely gone. The restricted mind that was once bound by the feelings of pride about ‘my’ brothers, relatives etc., has now expanded and has feelings of magnanimity to include the entire world as family. With these feelings, the mind again engages with the world of bondage. However, this mind that represents the Supreme Creator does not consider the world as a bondage. And for its own happiness the mind also does not want to neglect the worldly affairs. Being firmly rooted in the belief that all are children of the same Universal Mother, the mind struggles, so that all people may be happy. I am now intent on spending the remainder of my life for the welfare of humanity and keen on making others also realize the same bliss and contentment that I have experienced, so that they may attain the idea; fulfillment of human life. Therefore, by neither rejecting the state of Nirvikalapa Samadhi nor accepting Savikalpa Samadhi, the mind rests in witness-consciousness to both states and interacts with the world. Though it is difficult, if one gets a strong boat in the form of Guru’s grace, the turbulent ocean of worldly life may be crossed safely as though it is a divine sport.
In the present context I am whole heastedly presenting my own life experiences to the readers. I believe that this book will be helpful to all aspirants of true knowledge, achieving both-worldly success and the ultimate goal of human life.
A Brief Introduction
I was born on the 12th of July 1946 at Hospet town in Bellary District, which is also my maternal uncle’s town. It is also my Guru’s town. Since my mother lost her mother in childhood, her elder brother was the only family that she could call her own. As it is a custom that the delivery of the first child must be conducted at the woman’s parental house, my mother’s first delivery also took place at my maternal uncle’s house. My father was working in a Government Office at Dharwad. In 1953 when I was about 7 years old my father left the house after suffering a mental trauma, but never returned.
My survival along with that of mother and four of my siblings that wad dependant only on father’s salary, was now in jeopardy. For mother who had borne five children at a very young age, life became very difficult. Her elder brother’s situation too was grave. Whatever property he had in the form of shop and house had all been offered at the feet of his Guru. Maintaining a family with seven children of his own was extremely strenuous to him. He even had to work as a gate keeper at a cinema hall and do some petty business for livelihood. In spite of such dire circumstances he did not get discouraged. Without getting affected by the pleasures and pains of worldly life, he diligently continued on the path of spiritual Sadhana. Moreover, the responsibility of his sister and her kids too was on his shoulders. In order to ease his burden a little, I and my younger brother want to live with our grand mother in a small house in Dharwad our paternal uncle who was a salaried employee used to send a meager amount of money to grandmother every month for our maintenance. I was studying in the second standard at the Presentation Convent School in Dharwad. The sisters and teachers at the school had a lot of affection for me because I used to stand first to the school in academics. However, in just a few days, when the financial assistance from our paternal uncle stopped, I & my brother had to return to my maternal uncle’s place in Hospet. When I cited this reason to request a ‘Transfer Certificate’ from school, the authorities were not ready to let go the best student of their school. Instead of letting me go, they