This small book is a boon. It is your pocket Guru, handy friend, invigorating tonic and soft goad. The flaming words of Sage Sivananda are stored in this unique treasure-trove for you to take the fullest advantage of. Every word is directly addressed to you.
Perhaps you are faced with a problem that defies your solution; turn to any page and you are sure to find a way if not to solve better still dissolve it. Perhaps you are assailed by doubt or despair that threatens to envelop you in the darkness of gloom; it is then that you will realise the fullest benefit that you can derive from this volume—turn to any page and the light that emanates from it, is sure to dispel the darkness of despair. Every page is filled with Divine Light, Power and Wisdom.
It is the spiritual aspirant, however, who will find that this handy volume is more indispensable to him than his eye-sight; walking the path to the great Goal, through the darkness that is Samsara he needs Light to overcome the obstacles on the Path; to sustain his continuous vigilance, to resist temptations and to march vigorously forward, he needs Power; to save him from error, to keep the flame of discrimination burning bright, and to enable him to realise his own essential nature, he needs Wisdom. They are found in this volume.