Kunju Swami was a spiritually shining personality whose life revolved around the Sun of Jnana, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. He came to Sri Bhagavan in 1920, while still in his teens, and served Him till His nirvana in 1950.
Kunju Swami’s reminiscences provide a rare, first-hand account of the early days of Sri Ramanasramam and life at Skandasramam.
The author imbibed the teachings of his Master, took them to heart and dedicated his life to their fulfilment. His personal experience and life with the Master has generated much interest among devotees. Those who listened to him felt the inspiring Presence of the Master.
Kunju Swami lived a simple and austere life at or near Sri Ramanasramam, rendering the invaluable service of sharing his experiences with the seekers until the ripe age of 95 when he was absorbed in His Master’s Feet.