Bhagawan who frequently implores young children to treat mother and father as personifications of God, also instructs parents to be 'servants appointed by the Lord to tend the little souls'. Rita Bruce, the author of this excellent treatise on parenting discusses various issues involved in playing the role of parents in these modern times justifying all her counsel with wisdom of Baba's teachings and for good measure, supporting it with excerpts from proven scientific studies. The book also interprets parenting as a character-building process in the children, which makes the world a better place. It is a must for students, young adults, married couples, parents and grandparents and anyone who wish to contribute to restoration of the lovely institution called Family Home. This is an important book! 'Sathya Sai Parenting' brings home, the duties, challenges, responsibilities, techniques, ideas, advice and suggestions on good parenting. In today's world this kind of teaching is most essential as the future of society lies in the making of good and noble individuals. part 2 of the book contains the way children's are brought up in schools and colleges with character, morality, Spiritual quest and social services founded on the principles of Human values viz,. Truth, Righteous, living, peace, Universal love and Non-Violence. Since Sathya Sai Baba considered children's as his real properties. Language: English