The following pictorial stories are included in this book:
1. Who is That Thousandth Devotee?
2. Somanatha Worshipped by the Moon
3. Durvasas Curse
4. Siva and Agasthya
5. Greatness of the River Ganga
6. Meenakshis Marriage
7. Nagasam an Abode of Lord Siva
8. Vaitheesvara Healer of Diseases
9. The Stone Bull That Ate Grass
10. Ravanas Stroke
11. The Radiant Linga at Tryambakeswar
12. Atmalinga
13. Annapurna
14. Devasenapati
15. Story of Giving Divine Bull
16. Glory of the Dhruva Grass
17. Siva the Restorer of Glory
18. The Lord Becomes Servant to His Devotee
19. Velliyambalavanan
20. Velleesvaram