Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has time and again emphasized the importance of character and being virtuous in thoughts, words, and actions for all to reach the goal of life. Virtue is the greatest asset one should acquire and practice. Virtuous children are going to be future citizens of the world. Hence, the importance of virtuous life. Dr. Ghooi, a highly qualified medical doctor in more than one field, viz., in Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda, has done a lot of research and attempts in this book to collect all Vedic knowledge and Bhagawan's teachings in this regard which improve prove the validity of these facts under applied medical concepts of today. sketches and explanatory diagrams make the elucidation more valuable and authentic. Devotees and the general public who lead a family life will find this book most interesting and valuable, for their practice and elevated spirituality.